Notes for Five Trends in Tagging by Gene Smith at the IA Summit, ‘08
These notes provide very wonderful words that should be googled, and sites that should be checked out.
1) Structure: uses sticky tags, uses tags as part of the resources, bubble-up type, semantic tags – ex. ia (information architecture), mined Wikipedia
2) Leveraging communities: LibraryThing – user-driven vocabulary to combine or separate tags
3) Automanual Folksonomies: mixed approach at Etsy (like eBay for handmade items, unique items), LibraryThing tagmash – like set math with Union and Intersection, “semantics on top of minimal structure”
4) Pace Layers: speeds of innovation from nature level up, starts with Mr. Brand, moved into IA by Peter Morville, (faceted tags)
5) Sparking innovation: Flickr, Dan Catt, geotagging
1) Structure: uses sticky tags, uses tags as part of the resources, bubble-up type, semantic tags – ex. ia (information architecture), mined Wikipedia
2) Leveraging communities: LibraryThing – user-driven vocabulary to combine or separate tags
3) Automanual Folksonomies: mixed approach at Etsy (like eBay for handmade items, unique items), LibraryThing tagmash – like set math with Union and Intersection, “semantics on top of minimal structure”
4) Pace Layers: speeds of innovation from nature level up, starts with Mr. Brand, moved into IA by Peter Morville, (faceted tags)
5) Sparking innovation: Flickr, Dan Catt, geotagging