Gardening with Kids
So you want to garden... with kids?! Not only is this a great way to grow your own organic vegetables, fruits, and herbs, it is a great way to connect with your family outdoors and all through the year, even after the harvest. Designed for families with children between 3-12, this includes projects you can do together. Your children will learn skills that will last a lifetime and get passed down to your grandkids. Become a good ancestor today!
Gardening with Kids on Amazon!
• Garden planning basics
• Permaculture principles
• Organic methods for growing,
pest control, and fertilization
• Garden journal templates
• Kid-friendly projects
• and so much more!
This helpful guide includes educational resources, buying options for organic growing, and step-by-step recipes for organic weed control and pest control. This is a great starter book for any home or homesteading garden library.
What are you waiting for? Get this book right now by clicking on the "Buy Now" link on Amazon.